Family business

By Anonymous - 09/08/2023 07:00 - Kenya - Nairobi

Today, I found out on LinkedIn that my dad follows and endorses a successful cousin of ours. I guess I didn't make the cut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 454
You deserved it 107

Same thing different taste

Top comments

To endorse you while being a failure would be nepotism. Knowing how important LinkedIn endorsements are, you should work hard to succeed enough to gain your dad's.

To endorse a cousin who's already successful is overkill. On the other hand, maybe you're successful enough that your dad thinks he doesn't need to endorse you.


To endorse you while being a failure would be nepotism. Knowing how important LinkedIn endorsements are, you should work hard to succeed enough to gain your dad's.

To endorse a cousin who's already successful is overkill. On the other hand, maybe you're successful enough that your dad thinks he doesn't need to endorse you.