Family matters

By Anonymous - 22/06/2023 06:00

Today, in response to the guy whose son told him to fuck off for disturbing his one day off a week, my son spent literally his entire savings account for a deposit on a shitbox one bedroom house because he’s sick of his dad finding him things to do every ten minutes, and I don’t even blame him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 661
You deserved it 213

Same thing different taste

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So if I’m getting this right, you’re the wife of that guy who hasn’t let his son have his single day off for years and years. And rather than having intervened at literally any point in those years, you’re now upset that your son decided to hightail it out of there the second he was legally able to and got in a crappy situation as a result. Am I getting this right?


So if I’m getting this right, you’re the wife of that guy who hasn’t let his son have his single day off for years and years. And rather than having intervened at literally any point in those years, you’re now upset that your son decided to hightail it out of there the second he was legally able to and got in a crappy situation as a result. Am I getting this right?

* not upset. The last line is literally that they don't blame him for doing it. I agree though, if this is the partner of that person, she should've put her foot down way back.