Father figure

By Anonymous - 07/11/2022 22:00

Today, my dad has indoctrinated my boyfriend into anime. He'd never heard of anime before but now, as soon as he gets home from work, he and dad sit to watch episodes together while ignoring me. It’s gotten so bad I haven’t had sex in two weeks because my boyfriend comes to bed too late. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 105
You deserved it 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get some of those hentai *******, and he'll go manga, manga all over you.

My daughter gets jealous of my bromance* with the SIL. Hit him up in the morning, he will appreciate starting the day off right.


Get some of those hentai *******, and he'll go manga, manga all over you.

My daughter gets jealous of my bromance* with the SIL. Hit him up in the morning, he will appreciate starting the day off right.