
By giantblueballsthesizeofjohnnysinscock - 19/12/2014 23:14 - United States - Colorado Springs

Today, after six long, hard years of involuntary celibacy, I was finally about to get laid. Except it was just a dream, and in it my mom stormed in just as things got heated, called me a useless cunt, and told me to go do my chores. I guess my brain forgot I moved out years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 110
You deserved it 4 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mom's a cockblock even in your dreams. Better stock up on Vaseline, I guess

Sometimes you don't even have your own brain on your side...


Mom's a cockblock even in your dreams. Better stock up on Vaseline, I guess

More than just a cockblock, that's pretty abusive. I hope dream-mom is an exaggerated version of the real life one, otherwise this really is an FYL, OP!

eyebrowzzz 21

You say that like you can walk out of your door and **** everything.

Sometimes you don't even have your own brain on your side...

I think it's safe to say most of the time our brains are against us.

Half of the time my memory goes out right before I even talk to a girl in my dreams...

You talk to girls in your dreams? I don't even have the courage to talk to them in my dreams, and when I do, they turn me down. Luckily, I just ride a rainbow giraffe into space to make myself feel better.

Nothing kills the mood quite like that.

Mf2307 15

that totally kills the mood when mom walks in

poppunkette 22

Hmm, there might be a button for that thought. You should check it out sometime soon. :)

If that's how your mom really is in real life, then I feel bad for you.

HeadlessSparrow 20

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#17, your profile bio scares me. I hope you were just joking for the most part

You need to get out there and find someone

#11: what he's been telling himself for the last 6 years.