Get me the manager

By WhyMe - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I called the car repair shop to complain to the manager about their tow driver who keeps making sexual passes at me. The girl taking my call started crying and said that their driver was her husband. I'm being sexually harassed, my car is dead, and I think I just ended a marriage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 200
You deserved it 4 383

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cars eventually die, the cheating bastard was bound to get caught, and your pretty? Cheer up bro.

Aw, that's sad. At least you helped the woman out by letting her know what a pig her husband is.


jblovee02 0

at least it wasn't your marriage

Or they could encase his best pencil sharpened in a stick of butter. I bet that'd show him too.

crizzy101 5

hey it's not your fault that he was hitting on you!! it just means your pretty and he is a sleaze ball that needs a divorce.

sappy0 5

lol, OP actually thinks her car not running right now is all that's gonna be wrong with it?? She just caused the tow truck driver problems in his marriage - I'm thinking it's gonna have a few 'mystery' dents, scratches & flat tires before it's over for her! You know how crappy these things get!.. & how revengeful people are! I think I'd keep my car in a safe place, for real!!!

its not your fault! he ended the marriage!!!