Get off my lawn!

By Anonymous - 08/08/2019 00:01

Today, my landlord asked me to get rid of the flower boxes I have at the window in the stairwell. Why? Because they are disgusting. Why are they disgusting? Because his cat keeps using them as a litter box. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 559
You deserved it 167

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bill your landlord for your replacement flowers.

His place so he’s going to put himself over you. Training the cat not to takes time and effort.


His place so he’s going to put himself over you. Training the cat not to takes time and effort.

Bill your landlord for your replacement flowers.

If you are following the lease, keep the flower beds but change what flowers they are. Find some that cats don't like and will avoid.

wrenavery90 12

So get rid of them. Why is that a problem?