Get out of the way

By SweetDreamsTibi - 10/02/2019 12:00

Today, I was feeling frisky and my boyfriend was playing a video game in the living room. I started dancing in front of the T.V. with only my panties on, to which he responded, "You're every gamer's nightmare." FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 639
You deserved it 1 556

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure if he'd stood in front of you naked and started helicoptering his dick around while you're trying to do one of your hobbies, you'd be pissed off with zero self awareness whatsoever, no?

Mr_Mole 24

What you mean is you wanted attention and thought his interests of little importance. Would you like it if you were watching a film and he started twerking in front of the TV?


I'm sure if he'd stood in front of you naked and started helicoptering his dick around while you're trying to do one of your hobbies, you'd be pissed off with zero self awareness whatsoever, no?

Aaand that is why only gamers think that gamers are cool. The rest of us think they are idiots.

DraftHail614 17

It's cool. We don't you guys either. Not like gamers for the most part are rather intelligent and decent people. Stay in your bubble

tounces7 27

I've been a gamer literally since I was 5, and if a woman started dancing half naked in front of the TV, I'd just put it down. There's a difference between being a gamer, and having an addiction.

There's also a difference between games you can pause whenever you like and resume and ones you can't because it's online and requires teamwork and communication. Pretty sure your mates wontnlike the next time you come back since you left them in the blink of an eye

Squidgegg 4

Not gonna lie, I prefer a woman who is direct and polite about what they want. Getting all up in front of something I'm doing will only annoy me.

Mr_Mole 24

What you mean is you wanted attention and thought his interests of little importance. Would you like it if you were watching a film and he started twerking in front of the TV?

You need to get rid of the panties! He’s a gamer — he wants to see your Xbox.

Standing in front of the TV while he’s trying to do something? Rude

Nico711 17

F his life. You thought nothing of his hobbies, and assumed that he was going to immediately jump off his couch and have sex. YDI

tounces7 27

Wow he's dumb. That's like every gamer's dream, if they're straight. And yes, I grew up playing video games and still do. Sex still trumps video games though.

I’ve never understood this. Ladies can spend hours mindlessly drooling at reality TV. But video games are somehow more childish. Even my exwife, who’d play on our Xbox 20 or 30 hours a week. Would still get mad at me for playing about 4 to 6 hours on the weekend. And I’d stop playing when she woke up. Although I’d still jump up at the chance to play with her.

Squidgegg 4

That's not 'ladies', man. That's just assholes. I ain't watched an hour of reality TV in my life and I literally half hour ago finished a game. Would I be pissed off if somebody got in the way of my TV? Yes. Would I be pissed off if a significant other was playing games all the time? No, because I do it too. You need better people in your life.

Female gamer here, I love my husband to bits... and he respects me playing and would never interrupt me. You ARE a gamer's nightmare.

He was probably just in the zone with his game, why not ask to play games with him once he's finished what he's doing Then after you can head to the bedroom