Go get an Xray, dude

By WaychulMonster - 17/07/2022 04:00

Today, I was on autopilot, walking out of the bathroom, and separated my pinky toe from the rest of my toes over the door frame. I dropped to the ground in pain, and my toe and half my foot still hurts hours later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 765
You deserved it 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tiptoppc 19

Not much can be done. I knew i broke a toe when I accidentally kicked my computers battery backup system. Tape it. All that can be done. Wear sandals and unless compound, ER will just tape it. Edit, I say this while recovering from said break. I’ve broken over 27 bones now. It’s instantly recognizable when i break something. My back included (10 years ago). But only has surgery on a few, and finger/toe was either a simple brace, or tape it to one beside it. Nothing else can be done.


notthatoldyet 15

Agreed! I broke my toe like that when I was younger. They just buddy taped it with my other toes to keep it in place while it healed.

tiptoppc 19

Not much can be done. I knew i broke a toe when I accidentally kicked my computers battery backup system. Tape it. All that can be done. Wear sandals and unless compound, ER will just tape it. Edit, I say this while recovering from said break. I’ve broken over 27 bones now. It’s instantly recognizable when i break something. My back included (10 years ago). But only has surgery on a few, and finger/toe was either a simple brace, or tape it to one beside it. Nothing else can be done.

aaa143143 15

I did this except on my hand 13 years ago drunk in college and my pinky still sticks out. Go to a professional