Grown-ass man

By Anonymous - 22/11/2020 23:01 - United States - Southfield

Today, my mom got angry that I moved stuff in the freezer, and banned me from even opening it in future. I’m in my 30s, I fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, and now I've lost freezer privileges. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 184
You deserved it 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OP, you need your own space. As soon as it’s practical, find your own place.

xxlk4xx 6

first of all thank you for your service! second, if you can I would get your own kind freezer for your stuff, then mom has her freezer and you have yours to move things around to your liking!


OP, you need your own space. As soon as it’s practical, find your own place.

why are you assuming he lives with her? he could have done it while visiting, it maybe she lives with him

Did you fight to secure freezer privileges for the oppressed Iraqi and Afghan people? If your military experience taught you anything, it should have been "Don't **** With Your Superiors!" Just be glad your mom doesn't court martial you and give you a Dishonorable Discharge from HER house.

maybe it's time to move out to your own place?

xxlk4xx 6

first of all thank you for your service! second, if you can I would get your own kind freezer for your stuff, then mom has her freezer and you have yours to move things around to your liking!

rotflqtms_ 21

Once you move out (if you haven't already) you'll get to do whatever you want. it sucks that she banned you from the freezer over something so trivial, especially if you were just visiting. Hopefully she's not just trying to make life hard to get you to move out. The pandemic time is really hard to start trying to become independent, especially with job security being what it is. I had hella trouble finding work in my state and ended up moving clear across the US for a position. They probably would have opened up in my area once the pandemic was in full swing, but I had been waiting 2 months with hospitals saying they wanted 1-2 years experience and I had just gotten my license, so I took the first one that accepted me. It's tough work. but it feels so good to be living alone and to be able to do whatever I want to do while there and not give any care about it. I especially like that I can designate the living room to strictly VR and no one can say a thing about it, Haha. Hopefully you can find a job in these times that pays enough for you to make rent and to buy food/essentials. If not, I guess you'll have to live with it until you can, maybe even save up so when you are ready to move out, you can. Or offer to pay some or all of the electric bill and get your own mini fridge or freezer so you have one you can use. (on top if whatever rent you're paying so she doesn't get mad at you for using up too much electricity)

Pull a Walter Sobchak on her. "I did not watch my buddies die face down in the muck so that this..."