
By number2 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, it hit me that my dad didn't cry when I moved out, he did so only when I came back later to pick up my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 154
You deserved it 3 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

neither of my parents cried when I moved out...I didn't know they were supposed to?

Maybe it was delayed reaction. Maybe it didn't really sink in until you took the cat. Maybe you showing up made him realize he missed you more than he expected. Lots of ways this could happen without it meaning he loved the cat more than you.


I left the cats with my parents when I moved out. Why leave your dad without even a pet to comfort him? How could you be so heartless?

I can't wait for the kids to move out, but if one of them takes the dog, I will have a break down. YDI because you have no understanding whatsoever what it's like to be a parent.

guci 4

can't wait to see your kids' FML. 'my mom was fine with me leaving the house but when i wanted to take the dog she had a breakdown and started screaming because she couldn't live without it'

astory 0

And he sang "may cat sit (in) heaven" ?

Uh? Your dad didn't cry when you moved out? Big deal? You want your parents to cry? Hell no! That is a strain off the wallet and they don't have to listen to you whine about garbage like this. *laughing* Get the hell off the internet!

Maybe your dad cried because when you came to take the cat, it meant that you wouldn't even visit regularly to see the cat. Earlier on, he assumed you would visit regularly. now that it struck him that you won't, he couldn't handle his emotions at that time. Trust me.. I am almost sure about this.

Whose dad cries when they move out?? I'd be freaked out if my dad dad that.

caomei 0

maybe it finally hit him that u were moving out. u know, kinda like when pain hits later sometimes

your papa prefers the kitty? i will never understand americans.

Yeah, my dad would not/did not cry when I left. Everytime I call him on the phone though, he says "what is the kitty doing? Rub her little ear for me. Aww. I miss kitty so much It's so hard!" ...we are one of those daughter-father families who don't hug or say I love you. So... it's kind of expected for him not to say anything about missing ME, but still kind of sad.