Heavy load

By Anonymous - 01/01/2022 10:58 - United States - Verona

Today, I had to place under the carpet another patch of 1/4" plywood over another broken spot in the hardwood floor. My not-so-flatmate refuses to anything about her morbid obesity, and will definitely cost us our deposit when the landlady finds out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 925
You deserved it 210

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Floors should be strong enough to be able to withstand the loads of several fat people. Your dwelling is substandard.

This is NOT your roommates fault. This is your landlady's fault for not updating her floors before now. Stop blaming your roommate you fatphobic dick.


Floors should be strong enough to be able to withstand the loads of several fat people. Your dwelling is substandard.

This is NOT your roommates fault. This is your landlady's fault for not updating her floors before now. Stop blaming your roommate you fatphobic dick.

randybryant799 20

Oh please. It's not your fat roommates fault. Your house just isn't made well.

Your building is out of code, and you need to threaten your landlord with calling the appropriate authorities. Unless your roommate weighs as much as an elephant, the building should be able to withstand her.

Bro tell her to lose wait or get the **** out.