Here comes the sunbed

By Aiaiii - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Germany

Today, I spent some time in a sunbed to prepare myself for a very special reunion with my boyfriend, who I haven't seen in 6 months. I hope he likes crispy red butt-cheeks, and I wonder whether they will start peeling before or after he returns. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 591
You deserved it 37 309

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah. If you lie too long in a sun-bed, you can get sunburn. If you didn't know that, you're probably not old enough to show your butt to your boyfriend.

should have got out earlier.. you shouldn't risk cancer though. fyl.


littlemissdqgirl 8

I hope your bf isn't the ass smacking type

I'm the ass smacking type. especially in a situation like that

littlemissdqgirl 8

Then I hope your gf(if you have one) doesn't go getting burned lol

oh she gets burned .. in a sort of a different way though. wait what?

littlemissdqgirl 8

littlemsdqgirl, what does the "dq" stand for? you look like a real intellectual type, someone who enjoys pondering things ... is that at all true of you

littlemissdqgirl 8

Yes and no. I like pondering over things, but I wouldn't exactly say I'm intellectual. dq= dairy queen. I used to work at one and it just kinda stuck with me.

put tons of aloe that has tea tree oil extracts in it - there's plenty of after sun aloe ointments that contain those two ingrediants...then exfoliate and keep putting on tons of lotion!! two great products are: Mary Kay extra emollient night cream, Mary Kay after sun cream, Mary Kay body scrub in the bamboo & lotus scent and another helpful thing is to put baby oil on immediately after ur done with ur shower while u still have water droplets on u - it locks in the moisture on ur skin and also makes u smell powdery fresh! GL!

seems like you have ass peeling expert experience

hwkitty 0

not necessarily. maybe she just has experience with sunburn.

Or at least an expert at spending ridiculous amounts of money on stupid "herbal" products.

ummm. so advice....DONT DATE PPL IN THE MILITARY! its suuuccckks. (six months is the avg. deployment time) i know cause i dated someone in the airforce

I concur. i would imagine girls in the military are worse than guys, getting all dykey and gross like that.

YDI absolutely for using a tanning bed. Tanning damages your skin, whether you burn or not. Use sunblock, and never use a tanning bed. Smack that a$$!

I tan like crazy and I can't help it....two hours in the sun and my arms are dark!

autumn16 0

you did it.. everyone knows if you get in a tannin bed its best to use tannin oil or at least somwthin with spf.. i tan alot and i know if you burn easy dont get it one

perdix 29

Just as long as you didn't overcook the pussy, he'll be fine. You didn't overcook the pussy, did you? If so, take a sitzbath in aloe from now until he returns, because he's going to want that thing in good working order after six months of no sex. If he's not that urgent about screwing you, it means he's been getting elsewhere in your absence. Cheers!

DiNgO_lOvE 0
RedPillSucks 31

What? No "I like my buns toasted" jokes? FML, you disappoint me....