Hit and run

By Ava777 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while leaving school to skip fourth period, I hit someone's car in the parking lot. It was the teacher's whose class I was going to skip. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 872
You deserved it 60 424

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BitterTheory 0

There are lessons to be learned here...


that's what he gets for teaching a skippable class.

KatieWagnerFab 0

Quit being such a grammar *****! And you know you hit that car on purpose!

if it was parked in the damn parking lot she must have done it on purpose lol unless shes a fricken retard......oh, wait a sec

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You sound like a role model everyone should follow. *Sarcasm*

skipping classes often is like trying to pass a driving test while drunk you aint going anywhere

Well, you'll go somewhere, but you'll just end up crashing and burning

Idyedmyhairblack 0
BitterTheory 0

There are lessons to be learned here...

ahahahaha i never skipped class in highschool but i probably could if i wanted to! (i did in college for the first two years) HAVE FUN :) and don't tell anyone :-P

alwaysalady 0

I once cut class with my best friend, and I realized that my mother had been tailing us for an hour. That was a bad, bad day. She took pictures.