Hold still!

By toothache - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had my wisdom teeth pulled. There was a cyst behind one of them, and the dentist decided to extract it - except the Novocaine didn't reach that far back. I raised my hand like they said to do, and the dentist looked at me writing in pain and said, "No, you're fine." FML
I agree, your life sucks 76 776
You deserved it 3 379

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You survived to write about it, you're fine. But seriously, you should have socked him in the face.

Liveanotherday 0


You survived to write about it, you're fine. But seriously, you should have socked him in the face.

JayJaysGirl 0
kagome_eb 0

i hate dentist!!! horrible! i have to get my out too! noooooooo

Liveanotherday 0
needsagf14 12

is that everyones conclusion in this country

sadly it is. Once a woman who tripped on a sidewalk, sued the city for a million dollars, and won.

It's ******* malpractice dumbass. OP have every right to file a lawsuit!

TheNameless_fml 0

Wow. I probably would've punched him in the face. What a tool.

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WTSchool 0

No, she didn't survive it. Rather, her ghost was here to tell us.

DeltaDragonxx 20

your profile says 25, but your acting like a 14 year old when the local starbucks has a sale

one23four 0

Ouch. Gotta love the pain killers though.

now i see why dentists have one of the highest suicide rate occupation wise XD