I guess that's a no, then?

By Lazyuser2849 - 01/06/2016 05:02 - United States - Arlington

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend. To this, she said, "You need to meet more people."FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 169
You deserved it 1 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ooh, she's suggesting a pre-proposal scavenger hunt! How romantic! On the hunt should be such things as: • A person over 7 ft tall. • A person under 4 ft tall (no kids, you cheater). • A person dressed all in black. • A person who is wearing an apron backwards like a cape. • A butcher. • A baker. • A candlestick maker.

You really should , she's not the one .


You really should , she's not the one .

Imhere4fml 24

At least you didn't marry her and find out during marriage she didn't love you.

Assuming it was a long relationship, why string you along till now? -_-

It kind of depends on if they've ever discussed the idea of marriage beforehand.

Too soon maybe? Talk to her. Maybe she just freaked out.

Ooh, she's suggesting a pre-proposal scavenger hunt! How romantic! On the hunt should be such things as: • A person over 7 ft tall. • A person under 4 ft tall (no kids, you cheater). • A person dressed all in black. • A person who is wearing an apron backwards like a cape. • A butcher. • A baker. • A candlestick maker.

I like the how I met your mother reference at the end

It's actually a reference to the nursery rhyme Rub-a-dub-dub published in the late 18th century. How I Met Your Mother was alluding to this very well known trio.

jebron 13

What the hell does that even mean?? Sorry OP, but it sounds like you can do better(:

I know it seems odd, but she has probably been waiting for that moment for a while and planning her guest list. That means most likely she wants you to have the same number of people on your side of the venue as she plans to have on hers.

delfino1604 24

actually that makes sense. My wife made sure I had the same amount of groomsmen as she did bridesmaids.