I love that for you

By NeedHeadPhone - 30/11/2009 16:51 - Canada

Today, I overhead my mother's request to be spanked harder by my dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 995
You deserved it 2 990

Same thing different taste


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you guys must have some sick, perverted mind because that was his parents doing it.

code2264 0

that's funny lol feel bad he heard it though

Exactly, no need to ****-block (or beaver dam, whatever the case may be) our mothers.

perdix 29

You must have had a pleasant childhood if your dad gives such weak-tit spankings.

invisiblerabbit 0

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perdix 29

I cringe to think of my child hearing us while we are in bed. Children should never hear that kind of begging and groveling -- just kidding (only partly.)

ericalew_xo 0