I'm in hell

By mylifesuckssomuch3214 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, after complaining to the administration about my roommate, I finally got switched. As I went into the room to meet my new roommate, I found out he was my old roommate's brother. They are exactly the same, and I'm not allowed to switch again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 325
You deserved it 3 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is one of those times when you go back to housing department administration and say, "Look. Switching out my horrible old roommate with his equally horrible BROTHER, a person who was raised in the same family and behaves and responds to others in the exact same way as his sibling, doesn't seem to meet the spirit of the option this university gives to students to switch roommates once a year. If the newly assigned roommate was horrible, but in different ways than the roommate I just switched from, that would be one thing. But, this switch essentially just gave me back a clone of the roommate from which I was trying to escape. What can you do to help me out? I'm begging you."

F*** that, you're paying to stay there correct? What dumb*** in administration would put switch you from one room to another of two related people? Why don't they move the brothers into one room?? I'd raise hell if I were you.


This is one of those times when you go back to housing department administration and say, "Look. Switching out my horrible old roommate with his equally horrible BROTHER, a person who was raised in the same family and behaves and responds to others in the exact same way as his sibling, doesn't seem to meet the spirit of the option this university gives to students to switch roommates once a year. If the newly assigned roommate was horrible, but in different ways than the roommate I just switched from, that would be one thing. But, this switch essentially just gave me back a clone of the roommate from which I was trying to escape. What can you do to help me out? I'm begging you."

peroxideprincess 0

how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Clearly, a woodchuck would chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

F*** that, you're paying to stay there correct? What dumb*** in administration would put switch you from one room to another of two related people? Why don't they move the brothers into one room?? I'd raise hell if I were you.

Here's an idea! Go back to grade 1 and learn how to spell "switch".

who want a cry baby for a roommate f their lives.

RaeBabe03 0

Um.... Wow what a cry baby. Get over yourself seriously! Loser!!!!!!!!

Drives me nuts how comments simply disappear on this site without a trace. Anyway.......go back to the housing department and tell them that this switch is unacceptable. A roommate raised in the same family as your previous roommate and who behaves and responds in ways that caused you to want to switch roommates in the first place is no solution at all. This switch doesn't even begin to satisfy the spirit of the "one switch" policy.

yeahreally 6

i would ask the old roommate to switch into the room you have now so the brothers can be together.. and youre off the hook is the only way i can think of a way out of that one

Why do I get the feeling that this the same guy who was complaining about his roommate making cat noises xD?