I'm not even supposed to be here today!

By Anonymous - 06/11/2023 00:02

Today, after my family left me at home for the weekend before finals while they went on vacation so I could focus on my studies, I spent the weekend watching my little cousins for no pay. It wasn’t an easy babysitting job either. I had to pay attention to and then re-enact basically every Bluey episode ever to exist, with no time to study. FML
I agree, your life sucks 462
You deserved it 154

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Battousai124 7

You weren't left behind for your studies. You were left behind to be cheap exploitable labor.

Think things through - Don’t take on jobs or tasks that keep you from accomplishing important stuff. You have to learn to say no sometimes. That’s actually an important life lesson… OP, I get that you were trying be helpful and nice to your aunt and uncle but school is more important. It is key to your entire future.


Think things through - Don’t take on jobs or tasks that keep you from accomplishing important stuff. You have to learn to say no sometimes. That’s actually an important life lesson… OP, I get that you were trying be helpful and nice to your aunt and uncle but school is more important. It is key to your entire future.

Battousai124 7

You weren't left behind for your studies. You were left behind to be cheap exploitable labor.