By Anonymous - 04/07/2009 06:07 - United States

Today, my boyfriend returned from a 2-month internship in New York. As I saw him exit the plane, I imagined him running to me and kissing/spinning me around passionately like in movies. He got closer and closer, and as I opened my arms to embrace him, he runs past me saying, "BRB, I GOTTA TAKE A SHIT." FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 791
You deserved it 10 757

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LuckyCharms_fml 0

Your life is ****** because your boyfriend needed a poo when he got off a plane?


Today, I realized my life is not like the movies. FML

kira822_fml 0

You wanted romance, He was in the mood for a comody

Dramaramagrl 0

do u live in the movies? YDI for expecting him to act like the people fr the movies. but still haha

few things actually make me spew energy drink all over my computer. this was one of them.

So he had to go to the bathroom. Get the **** over it.

YDI. you need to get over yourself. haven't you realized that nothing in this life is perfect.

NoNameAtAll_fml 1

A mans gotta do what a mans gotts

Nature calls. Although one of the few FMLs that has actually made me laugh. Good job.

Honestly, if that were my boyfriend, I would just laugh. I mean, I don't blame him for not pooping while on the plane. Those bathrooms are so small and cramped... and then you have this tiny airplane with no where for the stink to go. I'd hold it in too. He must've been VERY uncomfortable for probably the majority of his flight. When you gotta go, you gotta go. I'm sure he gave you lots of love after he was done. Lets hope he washed his hands first.

That's exactly what I was thinking! I think it's funny, and when you have to go, you have to go. At least he didn't get all romantic and then shit his pants.