
By Anonymous - 31/03/2022 18:00

Today, and ever since we announced our pregnancy, my mother-in-law has invaded our home, taken over my hobby room, and tries to run our lives. I tried to go to the pub for a pint, one solitary pint, and she came and dragged me out by my ear, because "drinking is a sin", and I hadn’t done the dishes yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 241
You deserved it 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AH HELL NO!!!!, time for a serious discussion with your wife about the mother-in-law's inappropriate invasion of your lives.

shes there because you allow her to be there. time to have a talk with your wife and put her out


AH HELL NO!!!!, time for a serious discussion with your wife about the mother-in-law's inappropriate invasion of your lives.

I am a fan of being blunt. "MIL, here is your chance to back off and give me space. this will allow you to see grandkids. or if you do not, I will force you to back off and NOT see the grandkids at all."

That depends a lot on how supportive the wife is in that scenario.

If she doesn't support you against this sort of behaviour, she's not much of a wife.

If the wife supports that, she needs a good talking to as well. This kind of behavior is not ok in the slightest and if she allows her mother to take over their lives like that at that point already, it’s only going to become worse once the baby’s actually born.

shes there because you allow her to be there. time to have a talk with your wife and put her out

Why are you drinking if your wife can't? You ought to support her by sacrificing booze while she cannot have it.

That’s not necessary. My wife didn’t mind me drinking while she was pregnant, but I was nice and stuck to stuff I knew she didn’t like anyway so she wouldn’t miss it.

wysegirl 24

As a mom I don't see why my husband would have to quit drinking when I was pregnant. Yeah I missed the occasional drink but I don't understand why he would of had to quit drinking.

Kick her the f;lip out. Change the locks. You are adults, behave like adults.