Irony at a base level

By danyelicindereli - 29/05/2009 03:41 - United States

Today, I was standing around looking out the window at work when it became really dark and windy and started to pour. I watched a shopping cart fly across the parking lot thinking how funny it'd be if it hit someone's car. It hit mine. I need a new headlight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 252
You deserved it 48 182

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the damage could've been worse, thats pretty lucky really. shouldnt you be doing work instead of staring out windows?


Funny when thoughts like that play out right after, no? (:

yea any normal person would laugh if it hit some1's car. hell i would burst out laughing

Moomoomoo_fml 0

What the hell. This must have been a tornado to actually lift a shopping cart into the air and make it fly

moemoe09 0

That shit was funny but while I was laughing I locked my keys in side my car fml.

brink0war 3

Not so funny now, is it? Karma's a bitch, aint it? YDI 4 sure

squeaksx24 0

.... Why the hell would it be funny if it hit someone's car? YDI for being a jerk.