Is this catfishing?

By Anonymous - 01/04/2023 06:00

Today, I went on a date with someone I've been talking to online for weeks. Unfortunately, it turns out they'd used old photos and misrepresented themselves, and I didn't find them attractive at all. Even I'm not that desperate. We ended up having an awkward dinner and I couldn't wait for it to be over. FML
I agree, your life sucks 709
You deserved it 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It sucks that people aren't comfortable enough with how they look to be honest in photos. I would say 80% of the people I work with don't even look like the same person in their employee ID photo.

You know, it's perfectly acceptable to "not recognize" a person who doesn't look like his Tinder photos.


It sucks that people aren't comfortable enough with how they look to be honest in photos. I would say 80% of the people I work with don't even look like the same person in their employee ID photo.

You know, it's perfectly acceptable to "not recognize" a person who doesn't look like his Tinder photos.