
By ugly - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my sister told me not to come over anymore because her baby is scared of my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 400
You deserved it 4 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did the baby tell her that? No? Then she has no proof.

That is what brown bags are made for- don't forget the eye slits. just a suggestion...


sxe_beast 11

if he had a beard and mustache I could understand .. my little brother never liked bearded men when he was young

Dang that sucks. My toddler sister used to be scared of other black people, besides my dad, my sister, and I (FYI: dad-1/2 black, my sis and I-1/4 black)

it's not cuz the baby really is scared I'd your face cuz Ur ugly baby's cry around some people cuz of the way their clothes feel agency their skin, a perfume you may be wearing or the smell of a pet, or because the baby's tired hungry or cranky every tome your there, the baby might only be comfortable with a parent, or just dosent know you well but baby's have to be taught fear and they don't know if a person is ugly or not

monnanon 13

I wouldn't worry OP babies take notions for silly things. When my son was first born he was scared of people with facial hair and his dad had to be clean shaven for about 2 months. It could be anything, hair colour, eye colour, the facial expressions you pull. The other option and a bit of a wierd one is mabye you and your sister look so alike that the baby is confused. A young baby doesnt understand that type of similarity they just know you look like mummy but something is wrong.

U-G-L-Y! you aint got no alibi! you ugleh, you ugleh, yeh yeh you ugly!

Do you have a lot of piercings or body mods? They often scare children, but get used to them quickly... just like anything new.

Hey, look on the bright side, you didn't have to babysit!