Jumping the gun

By just lookin out - 31/05/2023 03:00

Today, I saw my sister’s husband kissing another woman in a restaurant. I lost it, flipped their table, and got the cops called on all of us. Turns out they’re poly and she’s their third. Or she was going to be. My sister is now mad at me for “scaring her off”. My bad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 483
You deserved it 1 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You have some anger issues to work on. That warranted a talk with your sister, not destroying restaurant property.

Even if he was cheating, that does not warrant destroying the restaurant’s stuff, chasing off their customers, and ruining the other diners’ night. Just lurk outside and take pictures/video like a normal person.


You have some anger issues to work on. That warranted a talk with your sister, not destroying restaurant property.

Yup. Take a quick picture, just in case evidence is needed, call your sister (or finish your meal first if you're very hungry I guess - the situation would still be the same even if you wait a few minutes after all) and take it from there. Don't give in to your base instincts.

Even if he was cheating, that does not warrant destroying the restaurant’s stuff, chasing off their customers, and ruining the other diners’ night. Just lurk outside and take pictures/video like a normal person.

Lolamae 9

What goes on between a married couple is really nobody else’s business. As you learned, your sister knew about it and welcomed it. MYOB.

Ticonderogapencils 16

So because you were angry about something you knew nothing about, you decided violence was the answer.