Justice for Doggy Boy the dog!

By Anonymous - 15/08/2021 16:01

Today, I hate my wife’s dog. It destroys everything in the house, it destroys my garden, she barks constantly in her bed, and when I walk her she tries to attack every living thing she sees, but the instant I talk to my wife about her behaviour, I get yelled at for being mean. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 235
You deserved it 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get a shed and turn it into a man cave. Fence off the garden. Keep the things you don't want destroyed in the shed. Wife can walk her own dog.


This sucks for the dog too. I do not get, why do you walk the dog if you hate it? Or if you walk the dog, why do not you try to bond with it (by exercising or doing something 'fun', like running, teaching tricks ...)

Sounds like the dog has found the right master.

Get a shed and turn it into a man cave. Fence off the garden. Keep the things you don't want destroyed in the shed. Wife can walk her own dog.

Hire a dog trainer. Learn from the trainer. Create a dog that's a joy to have. Or, just keep bitching and destroy your marriage. Up to you.