Keep hydrated

By whoevenncares - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found my dog drinking out of the toilet. My daughter was next to him, also drinking from the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 313
You deserved it 3 011

Top comments

Too bad that children adopt all kind of behavior... but don't worry, my mother told me that I tried to lick my balls like our cat. Such habits stop eventually.


Too bad that children adopt all kind of behavior... but don't worry, my mother told me that I tried to lick my balls like our cat. Such habits stop eventually.

I still try to lick my balls sometimes ;)

His ******* nasty what? You need to finish your sentences.


Do you know why dogs lick their balls? Because they can. :-/

BeenIt 5

Dude, admit it. . . you'd love to be able to lick your balls ??!!! JK

How old is your daughter? Because her age makes a huge difference in this situation.

This is hilarious. She just wants to be like her doggy friend. But don't take it to seriously op I used to try to pee in the litter box with my cats when I was younger.

at first I imagined a little boy doing this and that at least seems feasible. then I noticed you are female. now the image in my head is making me laugh my ass off. did you bury it too???

I actually don't remember that maybe I did haha. :p

Sadly enough, I imagined them taking turns. I witnessed my toddler cousin share many nuggets and sandwiches with the cat. She'd take a bite, then the cat takes a bite.

She's just copying her doggy friend behavior I would hope she's young not 20 lol

the fact that this even can happen is hilarious, much more that it ended up on here. most people have a clause of what happens in the bathroom stays in the bathroom. be sure to tell her future boyfriends though

Well at least they're bonding :P You just have to explain to her that drinking out of the toilet is unhygienic and keep the lid down !