
By Andrew - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, there was a meeting at work, during which I had to give a presentation to my boss and other attendants. The first subject I had to tackle was how my 5 year-old son got to my briefcase and replaced its contents with some crayons and a fluffy teddy bear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 469
You deserved it 5 577

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tiptoppc 19

YDI, you should’ve kept your briefcase out of reach from kids, mostly as a safety thing, but also not checking and making sure you are prepared before leaving the home. Anything important, is worth double checking, and I constantly double check for preparedness. While you may be learning a lesson from this, you likely should’ve learned this before now considering you a: have a kid, and b: have a type of job you have to prepare a report. This is a lesson you should’ve learned back in school. How to prepare for presentations, is long past in your life, and you should’ve known that a long time ago.


tiptoppc 19

YDI, you should’ve kept your briefcase out of reach from kids, mostly as a safety thing, but also not checking and making sure you are prepared before leaving the home. Anything important, is worth double checking, and I constantly double check for preparedness. While you may be learning a lesson from this, you likely should’ve learned this before now considering you a: have a kid, and b: have a type of job you have to prepare a report. This is a lesson you should’ve learned back in school. How to prepare for presentations, is long past in your life, and you should’ve known that a long time ago.