Killing the mood

By hotmess - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Katy

Today, my boyfriend stopped by my house after work because he missed me. We made out for a bit outside, which involved some touching and then he left. When I got inside, I got a Facebook message from my older neighbor that read, "That was gross. Please don't do that again in front of me. Really." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 647
You deserved it 8 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ydi. Couldn't you go inside to do all that?

While nobody really likes excessive PDA, did he have to watch? He could have just looked away if he thought it was that gross.


RedWolfy 7

What is with ppl & PDA? plus wasn't it at OP HOUSE as in private property. I own 2 house lots (meaning big house not so near my neighbors) even so they can still see us but they are not outside. Anyway I somewhat do the same & I give my boyfriend a kiss goodbye (doesn't matter for how long) as he leaves for wherever he is going. Point is ppl need to butt out & not look if there is some DA is going on, especially in a neighborhood for crying out loud it's not as "PUBLIC".

granted, maybe it shoild have been done in a more private setting, but he/she couldn't just look away and mind their own business?

selenesixx 15

Fyl. If the neighbor dont like it, he dont need to watch. You aint showin anythin in public thats illegal. I personally dont normally make out with my significant other in public, but you csn do what cha wanna do.

**** your neighbor he needs to get some himself

The neighbor could have walked outside right in the middle of the "intense gropin" part of the make out session and turned around and went right back in. Or was sitting on the front porch and saw it start up and went in. Either way, to have an extreme case of PDA is pretty tasteless. Imagine if kids saw it or a mother with their child and actually got the police involved? It could have been a lot worse because if I saw someone acting like that in front of my children and myself I would be getting some sort of authority involved. No one needs to see anyone dry humping outside of their home.

You could've gone inside, but your neighbour could've decided not to watch. People say PDA is so bad, but they could just not watch. *shrugs*

AleyahRose123 6

You seriously couldn't have gone inside? I'm definitely DEFINITELY not one of those prudes but "getting touchy" outside of ur house was not a good idea because u are in public