Landlords gonna landlord

By Anonymous - 07/11/2021 17:00

Today, after a year of moving to a new country, getting our kids settled into the new education system, and our commutes sorted, our landlord notified us that he needs the house back for his son. There are no similar rentals or properties for sale in the region. We have to start over somewhere else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 236
You deserved it 96

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just find the political leanings of your neighborhood, and tell all of the neighbors that your landlord is a rabid supporter of the other side. They'll run him out of town and your family will get a free house!


Just find the political leanings of your neighborhood, and tell all of the neighbors that your landlord is a rabid supporter of the other side. They'll run him out of town and your family will get a free house!

Look into buying a multiplex. I have a duplex and my tenant pays about 85% of the mortgage. Seriously if you're renting you are on the wrong side of the equation.