Lavish is out

By INeedAJob - 17/01/2024 09:00 - United States

Today, my sugar daddy-turned-boyfriend can no longer support my lavish lifestyle and told me to get a job. Ever since he divorced his wife and kids for me, he has to pay a hefty child support and alimony for them. This is way more than I bargained for. Now I can’t break up with him or he’ll think I’m a gold digger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57
You deserved it 2 111

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Isn't anyone who has a sugar daddy/mommy is a gold digger, by default?

this is fake, right? this has to be fake. nobody is this stupid.


Isn't anyone who has a sugar daddy/mommy is a gold digger, by default?

you are a gold digger, and he's a cheating ass. imo you both deserve to be unhappy but what's stopping you from leaving??

@Justkidding100 - She said at the end of the FML.

right but she IS a gold digger and he's a shitty old man? who cares what he thinks ESPECIALLY when it's accurate?

You FA’d and found out. You are a gold digger.

this is fake, right? this has to be fake. nobody is this stupid.

I used to think that, than I started observing people and looking at who they elect, it confirms that yes, some people are that stupid

simplybe3 4

Who cares if people think you’re a gold digger. If it’s too much and this isn’t what you want leave. Sounds like either way you should definitely get a job and be quick about it. Time to humble yourself and take responsibility

I don’t think anyone feels sorry for you. You are a home wrecker, a gold digger and a few other choice words but won’t use. I hope karma comes back and bites you. Maybe one day when you find happiness your man will do the same to you

um, you are a gold digger. and a home wrecker. and lazy. get a job.

BrizBurry 9

i don't see how that matters considering you are a gold digger

He's doing you a favour, follow his advice. You see, the problem is this: You are getting older and sugar daddies, well, they go for the pretty young things. So, unless you start building a career, one day soon you will just be sad and broke and no longer young and pretty enough to pull the wealthy guys. Stop being lazy and vain and start living a life that you can be proud of.