Living free

By WhatTheFuck - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - Bridgeview

Today, I had to listen to my grandma talk about how she's "allergic" to toilet paper, and how she lets nature "take care of it". FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 790
You deserved it 1 819

Top comments

Buy your grandma a different brand and tell her it's organic.


Probably mistook hemmroids from an allergic reaction

Is that.. Is that why old people smell bad?..

I hope she's not allergic to bath water as well.

finalyearsofhate 22

She should try a different brand, like one that isn't chemically treated. I've had issues with certain brands myself, and it can be quite uncomfortable.

xbaconator9000x 16

You win FML of the decade.

She should try unscented toilet paper then.

They make bidet seats / lids that can attach to regular toilets, so you wouldn't have to rip up her bathroom to install new plumbing for a standalone bidet.