Long time coming

By Emma - 10/10/2022 03:30

Today, my best friend announced her engagement to my ex. We broke up two days ago. I’m no longer speaking to her. She tells me I’m being a drama queen and to “stop throwing a pity party” because “If he was the one he would still be with you.” FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 254
You deserved it 109

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TomeDr 24

Your FORMER best friend is a snake!

I think something was up before you broke it off with him. Just a hunch...


TomeDr 24

Your FORMER best friend is a snake!

With “friends” like that who needs enemies?

first, you're better off without either of them. second, karma will bite them both in the ass.

I think something was up before you broke it off with him. Just a hunch...