Love is love

By Anonymous - 07/12/2022 22:00

Today, I'm a queer woman who's been in love for two years with my straight Muslim female friend. If she ever found out about my interest in her, she'd probably be disgusted. It also doesn't help that my homophobic/racist/xenophobic/islamophobic Catholic family would disown me if they found out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 923
You deserved it 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think that you should really try and find a way of moving on from your current “interest”. You’re just wasting time on her. Try broaching the subject with her without outing yourself. She might be more modern than you thought. And that way, you get to keep a friend. I know muslims who straight up don’t care if your queer or not. As for your family, that’s a whole mountain of ****** up and Im sorry to say I don’t know how to resolve the situation that doesn’t result in you being without a family or a home (if you live with them).

Suaria 38

I have a friend who's Muslim and I always thought she was straight. I recently learned she's also bi. I've known other people who are Muslim who are queer. You never know what someone's sexuality is unless she's made it clear that she's straight.


I think that you should really try and find a way of moving on from your current “interest”. You’re just wasting time on her. Try broaching the subject with her without outing yourself. She might be more modern than you thought. And that way, you get to keep a friend. I know muslims who straight up don’t care if your queer or not. As for your family, that’s a whole mountain of ****** up and Im sorry to say I don’t know how to resolve the situation that doesn’t result in you being without a family or a home (if you live with them).

Suaria 38

I have a friend who's Muslim and I always thought she was straight. I recently learned she's also bi. I've known other people who are Muslim who are queer. You never know what someone's sexuality is unless she's made it clear that she's straight.