Lying liars

By FuckMcDonalds - 30/05/2018 20:30

Today, while working at McDonald's, I was pulled into the manager's office and informed that I'd been caught stealing money from the safe. When I told them to show me the security footage, they refused and fired me on the spot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 275
You deserved it 287

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mooglefox 23

I think you can take legal action on this.

Donut_Wizard 23

Even in an at-will state, claiming theft as a reason without proof still constitutes unlawful termination, as well as fraud.


Mooglefox 23

I think you can take legal action on this.

If OP lives in an at-will state there’s really nothing they can do except retaliate if the company decides to press charges.

Donut_Wizard 23

Even in an at-will state, claiming theft as a reason without proof still constitutes unlawful termination, as well as fraud.

Mooglefox 23

You also need to thing in the long run. When this person applies for another job, the person could be denied the job because of the false accusation.

It depends on if they list theft as the reason for termination on their paperwork and then are able to provide evidence, or if that’s just what they told OP to get them to leave (then we’ve got an ethics and fraud problem) If they tell OP one thing but then put something else on paperwork, how could OP prove otherwise? Legitimate question.

They probably could, but is it really worth it for a job at McDonald's? Go find a job elsewhere. Not like there's a whole lot of potential left on the table at McDonald's.

In an at-will state I don't think they even need a reason, so why would they state theft

Because if they fire with a reason, they don't have to pay unemployment. If they fire you just to get rid of you, they will be paying unemployment to him.

You think OP has dozens of other job offers available? Safe to assume they were working at McD's because that was the best option available. So yeah, it IS a significant loss, to them, whether or not you think it's a good gig.

Brittles3 8

You can actually they need to supply the evidence in order to fire you for that issue

That’s a lot of rubbish! If they don’t show you I’m sure you can go to someone and complain

breyes016 11

If OP is in an at-will state then they can’t sue for wrongful termination. The best chance they have at a lawsuit is if the company did lie about catching them stealing, OP could have a defamation suit on their hands. Especially if it keeps them from getting another job.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

Am I the only one, who is somehow getting this feeling of Deja-vu?

ezrajab 22

I smell a lawsuit in your future

You should be able to hire a real high-powered lawyer with all the money you stole ;)

Lobby_Bee 17

Nah, no stealing was involved. The manager most likely ****** up on the balance sheet himself and blamed it on you.

If this is true sue their ass for wrongful termination