Man is a cog in the vast economic machine

By Anonymous - 27/05/2022 18:00

Today, I put my notice in at work after being one of the top performers in my department. They didn’t even acknowledge my notice, they just sent me boxes to return my computer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 812
You deserved it 173

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Isn't sending you boxes acknowledgment that they received your notice? They're saying, "Here's you hat, what's your hurry?"


Isn't sending you boxes acknowledgment that they received your notice? They're saying, "Here's you hat, what's your hurry?"

It’s always disappointing when your current employer doesn’t act like they want you to stay even if that’s not your plan. But at least you know they got the message… By the way, this is why you never threaten to quit until you have an acceptable job offer in text or print in your hands. You simply cannot predict how your employer is going to react. Don’t stress over the wrap up of your current job. You have to show up and do the minimum required for the period of your notice, but the stress is off now…

AND if you are as much of a high-provider as you say, then they'll eventually feel the bite. Sometimes repercussions take a while to kick in.