Missed the point

By Anonymous - 17/09/2023 16:00

Today, after working all day to make a big vegan meal for my family, hoping it would get them to become vegans as well, my brother thought it appropriate to pass around a block of cheese for everyone to grate over the pasta dish. FML
I agree, your life sucks 184
You deserved it 1 693

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What is with you vegans trying to indoctrinate non vegans into following your diet? YOU PEOPLE HAVE TO STOP!!! Meat has benefits too if you have a balanced diet. Veganism can also be criticized for lacking in vitamins only meat provides. Ex: vegans lack the vitamin B12 which is found in meat. Just stop it already...

Eat what you want and let other people enjoy their food the way they want to. I used to feel hurt when someone added seasoning to a dish I’d world hard on and thought had seasoned perfectly, but we all have different tastes and preferences.


What is with you vegans trying to indoctrinate non vegans into following your diet? YOU PEOPLE HAVE TO STOP!!! Meat has benefits too if you have a balanced diet. Veganism can also be criticized for lacking in vitamins only meat provides. Ex: vegans lack the vitamin B12 which is found in meat. Just stop it already...

To clarify: Vitamin B12 is only in meat because the animals get it supplemented. I agree though that no one should force their diet on someone (in whatever way).

Not only, it's also because they have natural contact with things we humans avoid (like feces). But many animal feeds do have B12 in them, yes - and I think some animals are even fed animal waste, or at least used to?

Eat what you want and let other people enjoy their food the way they want to. I used to feel hurt when someone added seasoning to a dish I’d world hard on and thought had seasoned perfectly, but we all have different tastes and preferences.

Quit forcing your agenda on everyone else. Anyone who wants to become vegan should choose that for themselves and not be forced into it.

I am so glad I have a considerate kid. He went vegan when he was around 12, told me and wife, we told him we will honor his wishes but do not push it on us or his siblings and he never has. He even learned how to cook vegan meals. Yes there are vegan meals he has made that we all liked, but he also respects our wishes and when he cooks, he will add what he doesn’t like to ours. It’s called respect.

Did you even bother asking if anyone was interested in a vegan meal? If not, that's on you. Not everyone shares your agenda, and you can't force them into it.

you don't make vegans by having them eat vegan. veganism is a moral argument, and a rather weak one at that. they were all just trying to enjoy a dinner, and to them taste was the only component they cared about. no one eats vegan because they liked 1 vegan dinner, because veganism isn't about taste at all. it's about excluding ingredients

Just wondering. What do you think is morally weak about veganism?

The part where veganism is something that can only be done by rich first-world people who can afford it. Or perhaps the part where vegans are always sneaking in leather and other animal products. Maybe the part where vegans move goalposts to get around their own use of animal products. But mostly, it's because a big part of being vegan is really for showing it off to other people that makes it morally weak.

This right here is why people hate vegans. Stop forcing your ways onto other people and claiming you’re doing the right thing. You’re as bad as religious nut jobs.

Normally I would be opposed to vegans trying to make people feel bad because they're not vegan but I also don't like people undoing your legitimate efforts.

I understand why this would be frustrating to you, but you can't make them go vegan with you. Asking them to try a bite without cheese first would be reasonable; getting upset that they chose to grate cheese at all is not.

Stop forcing your ideals down other peoples throats! I am a vegan my partner eats meat, my dogs eat meat, my cats eat meat and they can do as they want, there is nothing worse than your type of vegan who tries to preassure others, insufferable ass.