Modern warfare

By Anonymous - 11/09/2021 22:59 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, as I enjoyed my peaceful evening, I realized that my redneck neighbors had gone into the hills to shoot machine guns. How the almighty f**k did they get MACHINE GUNS? FML
I agree, your life sucks 957
You deserved it 186

Same thing different taste

Top comments

hopejm 5

they're two kinds of rednecks. white trash idiots and super nice 'give you the shirt off their backs' type of people. ALL of them grew up with guns. let's just hope they're the latter cuz on the plus side, now you don't have to install an alarm on your house if someone 'sketchy' comes around. just make sure you're friendly with them. respect goes a long way with these people. you show them respect and they will defend you to the end.

They went to America -- where's women's rights to decide on health issues are taken away to give more gun rights! Pretty soon, everyone will have armed drones.


They went to America -- where's women's rights to decide on health issues are taken away to give more gun rights! Pretty soon, everyone will have armed drones.

joseph_rod_05 14

Hence what Richard wrote: "they WENT to America". Reading, it's useful. How they'd get the gun across the border though...

I feel like the Canadian-American border isn’t as heavily patrolled as the Mexican-American border. I could be wrong though.

You would be extremely wrong. It's heavily guarded and patrolled by both countries. It makes the Mexico/USA border look like an open window by comparison.

pwinche1 11

Depending on the gun, you can turn a standard rifle into an automatic weapon. It is a kit you can buy.

Doom_Kitty 12

This FML represents almost everything what everyone outside of America thinks about Americans, lol^^

Warp1978 15

It's America, guns god and the subjection of the female race are the standards

hopejm 5

they're two kinds of rednecks. white trash idiots and super nice 'give you the shirt off their backs' type of people. ALL of them grew up with guns. let's just hope they're the latter cuz on the plus side, now you don't have to install an alarm on your house if someone 'sketchy' comes around. just make sure you're friendly with them. respect goes a long way with these people. you show them respect and they will defend you to the end.

Most likely a bump stock and not a machine gun. Also, I'm pretty certain they saw the vehicle you drive and decided to celebrate you moving to the sticks. Try talking or breaking (more accurately drinking) bread with them.

OP here. This was in America--up in Nevada. I have no idea how FML decided I'm in Canada. Northern Nevada does not Ottowa make. My neighbors are the sort of idiots who crowded up the laundromat maskless today, though, which is why I suspect they're idiots who just found someone willing to sell them 'THE ONLY THING YOU NEED AGAINST BURGLARS!'