Moral quandary

By Anonymous - 26/10/2023 15:02 - United States - San Diego

Today, I realized some of my English students have just been going to their Philosophy professor to help them complete their essays. FML
I agree, your life sucks 296
You deserved it 93

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's a logical choice for the students to make, but an unethical one for a professor to support. I've deduced that the professor must be a logician and not an ethicist.

That's on you for asking them to write an essay on either Schiller or Francis Bacon.


It's a logical choice for the students to make, but an unethical one for a professor to support. I've deduced that the professor must be a logician and not an ethicist.

That's on you for asking them to write an essay on either Schiller or Francis Bacon.