Moving on

By Anonymous - 20/01/2024 05:00 - United States - Waunakee

Today, a year after we agreed to a divorce, my wife and I are still married and living together because it's not financially possible for us to split. We get along well enough, but I'm ready to move on. She's already moving on, according to the boyfriend she's been seeing for months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 489
You deserved it 130

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds awful! Are you sure OP that you cannot afford to move out or is this just prolonging the inevitable because you're not emotionally ready to call it "over"?

I lived like that for a while. we got along better as roommates than spouses, till his gf became a problem. but it sounds like you really aren't moving on if you're bitter that she's dating. which she's perfectly within her rights to do


Sounds awful! Are you sure OP that you cannot afford to move out or is this just prolonging the inevitable because you're not emotionally ready to call it "over"?

I lived like that for a while. we got along better as roommates than spouses, till his gf became a problem. but it sounds like you really aren't moving on if you're bitter that she's dating. which she's perfectly within her rights to do

I'm still married, but not living with my wife. However, we still operate financially together, which I am thankful for, because she is the breadwinner.