My skincare routine

By Fuck anxiety - 19/05/2024 02:00 - United States - Steele

Today, I noticed a random dark spot on my skin around my groin area. Fearing that it was possibly melanoma, even though I don't really go outside a lot, I made a mad dash to the doctor. Apparently it's just a fucked-up stretch mark, and is perfectly normal. Nice thing to have a panic attack over. Good job, brain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 358
You deserved it 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Vesi 29

It's always best to check and have it be benign than not check and end up with a life-altering problem.

It could have been worse; it could have been a chocolate chip from the cookie you ate in bed.


It could have been worse; it could have been a chocolate chip from the cookie you ate in bed.

Vesi 29

It's always best to check and have it be benign than not check and end up with a life-altering problem.