By Fmlloser - 07/03/2022 00:01

Today, I came home from work to find my things outside my yard and the door locks changed. I called my wife to let me in and she told me to go live with, “That homewrecking whore who texted you last night” instead. She’s talking about my cousin, who informed me via text that my aunt’s in the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 359
You deserved it 91

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Would she not have met at least a good chunk of your family members by now, including a cousin or two?

Hell, I'd say if you weren't considering a divorce already, she might be doing you a favor! I wouldn't want to come home to that kind of crazy no matter how hot she is or *what* she does in bed (because there has to be some reason you married her, and it ain't her sweet lovin' nature)


AzraelAngelus 15

If you have a prenup I’d recommend a divorce

Would she not have met at least a good chunk of your family members by now, including a cousin or two?

wysegirl 24

not always. my husband has met less than 20 of my family members.

Hell, I'd say if you weren't considering a divorce already, she might be doing you a favor! I wouldn't want to come home to that kind of crazy no matter how hot she is or *what* she does in bed (because there has to be some reason you married her, and it ain't her sweet lovin' nature)

That’s called an illegal evocation. Call the police, a divorce attorney and a locksmith.

You should probably call a priest or something if she's illegally summoning a spirit, right?

Glad (not rlly) to know this happens to others. Just finished moving back into my room… FYL

Turns out the home wrecker is a Trojan. Honestly though, more often than not when a partner accuses you of cheating or petty crap like this, they’re cheating and projecting their guilt on you. Watch for red flags man.