Mystery Girl

By Anonymous - 11/03/2020 00:01

Today, I found out that my girlfriend actually broke up with me a week ago. Apparently, she thought it wasn't necessary to tell me, she just assumed I'd figure it out on my own. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 903
You deserved it 168

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tell her "this isn't working out for me, I think we should see other people"


slowhandjp 16

How did you find out? Why didn’t you notice that?

Which you clearly did. She was right.

Tell her "this isn't working out for me, I think we should see other people"

At least you've had a week to get deal with it

ThatOneLonelyAsian 31

Kinda ironic that you didn't notice for a week!!!

Itsheragain 9

get with her bestfriend and just assume she'll figure it out on her own

julfunky 29

It’s hard to call it a break up if you don’t actually say anything. She’s a little bitch. Good riddance.