Nag nag nag

By Anonymous - 11/05/2024 05:00 - United States

Today, I came back from a week-long vacation, to find my fiance had cleaned the house top to bottom, and finished three projects he was constantly putting off. I was over the moon, until he said, "Yeah, when you're not nagging me all day, I can actually get shit done. Crazy, huh?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 181
You deserved it 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikki 16

Imagine how much you could get done if you didn’t have to continuously ask him to do the same things?

wrecklesswfire 2

maybe it’s time to stop nagging him


My ex-wife nagged constantly and very little got done. My girlfriend helps and teaches me and my house is clean. Ask her to try something different like, I don’t know, making a list. If she goes back to nagging, especially with paltry excuses, do what I should have done a thousand times and leave.

TeaTimeAbyss 20

Oooor he could be a grown adult and learn on his own, do things without having to be asked, and just generally not treat his partner like a mother he can bone.

He did that. He worked just fine without someone breathing down his neck. I think your his just got home. Better hurry up; he’s not going to nag himself.

TeaTimeAbyss 20

Are you sure you want to marry a man who puts you down like that? Sounds like he's already showing you what he'll be like as a husband.

Very good if you'll just shut your mouth once in a while?

Nikki 16

Imagine how much you could get done if you didn’t have to continuously ask him to do the same things?

OP, please don't marry him. He only cleaned up the house so he could mess with your head. He's gaslighting you, making it your fault that he never does his part, and will use that again in the future.

wrecklesswfire 2

maybe it’s time to stop nagging him