
By Anonymous - 14/05/2024 23:00

Today, I needed emergency work on my house, so I’ve been taking wine, beer, and chocolates to my neighbours as an apology for the noise and dust. Later, one of the husbands came round and punched me for showing him up, because he hasn’t given his wife chocolates in years, so she’s mad at him and he blames me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 585
You deserved it 99

Same thing different taste

Top comments

press charges. people think they can get away with any shit nowadays. put him in jail

lovebuglovebirds 1

aww sorry that happened to you . but your a good person for doing what u did. u didn't deserve that


press charges. people think they can get away with any shit nowadays. put him in jail

lovebuglovebirds 1

aww sorry that happened to you . but your a good person for doing what u did. u didn't deserve that