Never do this, my dudes

By bluecollar - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, there was a luncheon at work in another dept. We all went to get some free food and see new faces. There was a hot girl walking around chatting. I grabbed my buddy's arm and told him there was a "nice pair of tits here." He saw her. She's his daughter. She's a new-hire… running HR. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 037
You deserved it 54 237

Same thing different taste

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greenfairy_fml 0

you're lucky, if a coworker said that to my dad about me, he'd kick his ass. and yeah, you totally deserved it for referring to her that way.

Wow, I hope you know now that referring to women by their body parts isn't ok


well it seems like you've got a nice conversation starter. you'll be seeing that "nice pair of ****" in no time

you look like a guy who drives around in an unmarked van and offers candy to small children on the side of the road

stop trolling. he looks like that guy off office, the ricky gervais one not the american rubbish haha

how can you know someone and never seen pictures of his family? i call bs on this one.

Everyone doesn't put up family pix. Or maybe she looks different in person. I call bs on your comment.

uminuscooll 0

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greenfairy_fml 0

you're lucky, if a coworker said that to my dad about me, he'd kick his ass. and yeah, you totally deserved it for referring to her that way.

Dr_Phil 0

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It's because FML is full of self righteous people and feminiazis.

lokiitababii69 19

exactly. im a female n most my friends r male.... thats jus how guys talk

then your friends are disrespectful boys. most of my friends are men and won't say that shit around me. they will point out hot girls, but they have some tact about it.

Maybe if OP was with the guys it wouldn't be as bad, but at work, it's pretty terrible.

Wow, I hope you know now that referring to women by their body parts isn't ok

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no. he's saying your chest looks good. that's it.

You deserve anything you get, ********. I understand that **** are great (they are! Mine rule!), but what a bummer to be reminded that they are all men seem to care about. Get your head out of your ass and maybe a woman will actually let you see hers someday. fool.

kibblesnbits1053 0

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