New management

By anonix - 21/12/2014 19:08 - Canada

Today, a customer came in with a laptop smashed beyond repair. She asked if we could recover her files, but thanks to my idiot boss's new store policy I had to ask her a bunch of questions, including if she had tried "turning it on and off". She stared at me, speechless, like I was a complete moron. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 141
You deserved it 4 402

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Have you tried reinstalling windows?" "My disc drive is in 17 pieces, what the **** do YOU think?"

Today, my laptop is smashed beyond repair, so I went into a store to get my files recovered. The man did nothing but smile and ask stupid questions like, "Did you try turning it on and off?" FML


"Have you tried reinstalling windows?" "My disc drive is in 17 pieces, what the **** do YOU think?"

"It's in 17 pieces because you smashed it against some windows. I was just trying to be nice and asked if you called the window repair man."

Corgidan 12

Maybe she just had to cut Windows into 17 pieces and install them by hand?

DedicatedNova 13

You can always install wit a USB ;)

skittyskatbrat 19

If you've ever had to reinstall Windows, you'll realize that's a perfectly acceptable reason for the computer to now be in 17 pieces.

#79: AMEN. #48: Not if the computer is bent like a piece of tin foil around a TV antenna. #21: It's like a puzzle of frustration!

Try to play it cooler next time to avoid the forced awkwardness.

Yeah. "Okay; I'm required to ask you this set of questions; even though some of them are crazy in light of your laptop's condition. Sorry about that. Now, first required question: Have you tried turning it off and on?" Get the customer laughing with you. :)

It's okay OP, you were only doing your job. Props to you for sticking to it, even if it was humiliating. I'm sure if she knew she'd have understood, at least she bore through it with you!

Yah well customers don't know that its policy to ask stupid ass questions

19990231 29

Why didn't op tell them that it was the policy

Maybe it's against policy to mention the policy to customers, 54.

The first rule of store policy is not to tell anyone that it is store policy.

I would add my own disclaimer to any stupid questions I had to ask.

Deeeeeefinitely. I find that there's nothing better that builds rapport between customer and employee than talking shit about the higher ups and their policies, when they're not around of course.

31- Well would you rather sound like a total idiot to the customer and possibly drive him away from returning?

skittyskatbrat 19

If the boss of the store is that incompetent, yes. I'd drive customers to a store where the employees are well-trained enough that their boss trusts them to actually know their jobs. Rather than an incompetent boss and possibly incompetent employees....

55- just because the boss is incompetent, doesn't mean the employees are. I've heard plenty of stories (from friends and FML alike) about bosses that are idiots and seem to want to put their stamp on everything, whilst the employees are reasonable human beings that are quite competent

skittyskatbrat 19

Except in this case the employee isn't even being allowed to be competent. Yep, I'd not shed a tear if a customer went elsewhere. Bad business = no customers.

Today, my laptop is smashed beyond repair, so I went into a store to get my files recovered. The man did nothing but smile and ask stupid questions like, "Did you try turning it on and off?" FML

WasabiMars 21

"It's store policy for me to ask you these questions even though they may sound completely ridiculous." There you go it wasn't that difficult.