Nice, thanks!

By somnolence - 17/09/2016 21:20 - United States - Beaverton

Today, I wanted to take a nap after cleaning my apartment, so I put the trash outside the front door and put a note on the door for my roommate, saying, "Please take the trash out when you leave for work." When I woke up, the note was gone but the trash was still there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 374
You deserved it 1 989

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time if you want to take the trash out just carry your roommate out yourself

at least the roommate took themselves out.


Maybe the person was the trash so he/she took itself out

Maybe it was a busy day for them and they were just scatterbrained? Hopefully your roommate isn't this bad all the time.

And... FML being? Your life isn't ****** or terrible because the trash didn't get taken out while you were asleep...

Vengeance will only make things worst and it doesn't solve anything

Wow...You wanted your roommate to take out the trash on their way to work. While you were napping. And then you post about it on Fml? I can't even deal with people like this. Laziness.

If you feel your roommate isn't doing their share, you talk about it, set mutually-agreed-upon expectations. You don't just leave a note telling them what to do and when and then get annoyed when they don't do it. I tend to do most of the more intensive cleaning in my place (apparently most people don't feel the need to scrub the bathroom and kitchen floors regularly?) so I'm not a lazy roommate, but if someone just left me a note telling me what to do and then went to sleep I'd be pretty pissed.

He/she said they cleaned the whole apartment, the least their roommate could do is take out the trash

OP took a nap after cleaning the freaking apartment. It's not totally unreasonable, after cleaning the apartment, to ask your roomie take out the trash. If the roomie is in a hurry or something, s/he could have responded, sorry, busy, can't do it.