Nice try, Doris

By Anonymous - 16/05/2024 17:00 - United States

Today, my mother-in-law called my boyfriend, who is four years younger than me, to try and persuade him to go to a funeral, because there would be cute girls there his age there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 379
You deserved it 99

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What does your husband think about this?

if you have a boyfriend you don't have a mother in law


if you have a boyfriend you don't have a mother in law

What does your husband think about this?

anony_mouse 2

Mother-in-law called your boyfriend? Are you a widow or are you cheating on her son? If the former, why does she have his number?

She’s only your mother in law if you are married to her son. Otherwise she’s just your boyfriend’s mom… The only other explanation is you are a cheat with a husband and a boyfriend.

Wadlaen 23

In contrary to the rest of the commentaries here, I do understand that you call your boyfriend's mother your mother-in-law, as I've done with my girlfriend's mother as well; when you've been in a serious relationship for a certain amount of time, it feels natural to adress one's in-laws as such. And, I'm very sorry you've ended up with a shitty mother-in-law who's working against you!

L0life29 6

for some reason if we will enjoy your demise