
By Anonymous - 01/06/2023 21:00 - Canada - Toronto

Today, my boss told me I may lose my job due to underperformance. I was shocked, as he'd previously mentioned that I was performing well, and that I was safe from the current company wide layoffs. I asked him what I need to improve on. He said that my instant messages to him are sometimes too long. FML
I agree, your life sucks 893
You deserved it 122

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In other words, boss realizes that he has to lay off more people than he expected and is now laying the groundwork for a “reason”… OP, get your resume out there and start applying for a job at a healthier company. Don’t tell anyone in your company you are looking - that could cause more trouble. Find a new job then quit before your currently employer goes into death spiral. By the way, in most US states they don’t need a reason at all to lay you off. So read the tea leaves… In the worst death spirals, after dutifully laying off workers as upper management required, then the middle managers get laid off in really bad cases.


he's listing a generic woman sterotype in a desperate attempt to justify laying you off for being a woman.

In other words, boss realizes that he has to lay off more people than he expected and is now laying the groundwork for a “reason”… OP, get your resume out there and start applying for a job at a healthier company. Don’t tell anyone in your company you are looking - that could cause more trouble. Find a new job then quit before your currently employer goes into death spiral. By the way, in most US states they don’t need a reason at all to lay you off. So read the tea leaves… In the worst death spirals, after dutifully laying off workers as upper management required, then the middle managers get laid off in really bad cases.

Is your boss young? if so your lucky he didn't get upset that you use periods at the end of your sentences and it comes off as rude lol