No, he's just a shitgibbon

By Anonymous - 11/03/2022 22:00 - Czech Republic - Cesky Tesin

Today, I finally told my boyfriend that I’ve been dealing with depression, and apologized for my bad moods. I wrote him three kinda long-story-short messages telling him why. His response? “It’s alright” and continued playing Raft. I expected something more… empathic? Am I selfish? FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 072
You deserved it 377

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unfortunately our family, spouses, boyfriend or girlfriend are not usually trained to deal with depression. Furthermore some families have a learned reaction of intolerance to signs of depression which they think is a sign of weakness. If there are no other problems don’t be too harsh on your boyfriend for not knowing how to deal with your announcement. Depression as well as other mental health issues are very real and can have a major negative impact in your life. I urge you to see a mental health professional if that is an option for you or at least someone who is used to counseling people. Mental health issues need to be dealt with honestly and openly but our families and friends are often not able to do that.

He's a boyfriend not a therapist. I wouldn't expect/depend on him knowing how to help you deal with your depression.


Jon Tessler 14

nope not selfish at all. go see a therapist or MH doctor to get a handle on it.

Unfortunately our family, spouses, boyfriend or girlfriend are not usually trained to deal with depression. Furthermore some families have a learned reaction of intolerance to signs of depression which they think is a sign of weakness. If there are no other problems don’t be too harsh on your boyfriend for not knowing how to deal with your announcement. Depression as well as other mental health issues are very real and can have a major negative impact in your life. I urge you to see a mental health professional if that is an option for you or at least someone who is used to counseling people. Mental health issues need to be dealt with honestly and openly but our families and friends are often not able to do that.

He's a boyfriend not a therapist. I wouldn't expect/depend on him knowing how to help you deal with your depression.

bidet 8

I mean, sure, maybe he could have extrapolated that you needed more than that if he had those tools in his emotional toolbelt, but this FML sounds like you mean you sent him an apology? Says you apologized for your depression. (Which, don't. It's not your fault that your brain chemistry is out of whack.) He accepted your apology. Are you selfish? No. You are within your rights to want someone who engages more in your conversations and relationship. But maybe he can't give that to you from where he is currently in his life.